Following Father’s Love

Fathers love

“Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged.” (Colossians 3:21)

A father is the first authority figure in a childs life. Children base their perception of God on what they observe in their earthly father. If they witness a loving and godly example in the home, they will be predisposed to submit to God’s sovereign authority when they are grown up.

Dads play a primary role in this. We trust the people who demonstrate sincere love to us, and the same is true when it comes to our children. If they learn that God is love and He can be trusted, they will usually give their lives to Him.

The greatest gift a father can give his son or dughter is NOT something that can be purchased. It is something that is based solely on the infinite, unconditional love of God. It is the gift of acceptance.

Communicating God’s love to your children is definitely something you can do from the moment they draw their first breath. Communication begins in the womb. “I have loved you with an everlasting love, therefore I have drawn you with loving kindness…Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you wre born I consecrated you…” (Jeremiah 31:3; 1:5)

What is it you are communicating? Our words are packed with power, and they can be used to motivate or tear down someone else’s self-esteem. Children are especially vulnerable, while they might not understand all that we are saying, they pick up on the emotional intent of our words.

A sincere “I love you” or “Dad is proud of you” means so much, more than we will ever know. Heartfelt compliments help shape a child’s thoughts so when they grow up, they know their parents care deeply about them. But a message of rejection can remain with children most of their lives, causing them to battle feelings of worthlessness and rejection. Hostility, depression, and perfectionism are results of feeling as though you will never measure up. Remember, in God’s eyes, you do! He loves you with an everlasting love. You don’t have to work to achieve someone’s approval, because the Lord accepts you just the way you are.

Allow God’s love to set you free from a very dark emotional prison.

Many have felt the heavy blow of rejection in ways that are subtle and restrained. We may think children are not paying attention, but they know when they are being shunned or shut out. They may not know how to express their feelings, but they realize something is not right.

You can’t go wrong if you love your children and accept them for who they are. Speak words of encouragement and support. Show a willingness to accept them even if you don’t share the same interests.  Comparing one child to another is very harmful. it can breed a sense of competition in them which they carry on into adulthood, where it becomes a springboard for feelings of rejection.

Teach them that the true value of life is not wrapped up in awards or titles…but in the person of Jesus Christ. Then we are giving them something this world cannot take away from them.

Now more than ever before, our children need to know we love them and that they have a very special place in our hearts that will never diminish.

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