
God's forgiveness

Don’t cease abiding in His love, and don’t drift away from an intimate relationship with Him. Its time to heed the still small voice within!!

Don’t go to the pigpen, that place of shame and self-condemnation! For the only place my needs will be met is in my Father’s embrace.

Realize my error and motives ~ change anything that’s not comfortable with love. True repentance involves a change of heart and change in actions.

Change my heart attitude from selfishness to brokenness and humility as I realize, no matter how much I fail, my PaPa’s waiting for me with out stretched arms!

When I’m faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself. (2Timothy 2:13)

When I fail, He doesn’t approach me with a heavy rod of correction, He runs to me, ready to welcome me back into His embrace with all the fullness of His forgiveness and love.

He exchanges my fig leaves of shame (fear, insecurity, guilt, loneliness, escapism, anxiety, failure) for a royal robe of righteousness. He places His ring back on my finger, restoring me to the place of full sonship in His household.

My child, I love you. I live to take away your shame. Everything is going to be alright. Experience My compassion, My love!

It’s difficult to process PaPa’s love as fast as I want to because there is often hindrances that slow me down, pride, counterfeit affections, hidden core pain from the past, unforgiveness, shame, unresolved conflicts, and judgmentalism that I think I have put all these issues behind me.

I need to let PaPa’s love begin to lift me above the circumstances that have held me back from experiencing intimacy and love.

A river always flows to the lowest point. It flows to those who have been deeply wounded by the sins of others and those whose sins have left them clothed with guilt and shame. It flows most freely to those who are meek and lowly of heart, and who will come to the Father like a little child in need of Daddy’s comforting love.

The heart of the Father is always responsive to those who truly turn to Him, no matter how far from Him I have strayed or how wicked and depraved I might be.

He forgave the people of Nineveh and welcomed them into His presence. (Jonah 3-4)

Jack Winter wrote in his book The Homecoming, “Servant can only bring others to a master, sons are the ones who can point others to their father.”

Until I let go of striving, jealousy, and rivalry in my heart, I’ll lead a life of frustration and resentment.

The love of God is a gift, it’s free and undeserved. There is nothing I can do to be loved by Him any more than I already am, and there’s nothing I can do to lessen His love. His love is unconditional, but if its not experienced on a level that brings healing to the childhood hurt and anger at not feeling unconditionally loved, a resentment and critical attitude often results.

PaPa, I’m aware of my sins…pride, envy, resentment, jealousy, anger, spiritual ambition, self-righteousness, sin against love, worry, doubt, gossip, self-love, lying…I repent and ask Your forgiveness, and I receive that forgiveness. I allow Your Spirit to transform my nature and character.

I anticipate the homecoming You have planned for me. Thank You for understanding my hidden core issues, my need for affirmation that stems from issues in my childhood. Thank You that You see the secret place in my heart that cries out for the unconditional love of a father, for the affirmation and affection that only You can provide. Thank You that Your compassion and mercy are available to me and that You long to bring me back to Your house to join in the celebration and the joy of the feast. Thank You that You are not ashamed of me or angry at my misrepresentation of Your love. Thank You that You want me in Your loving embrace.

Restore to me the joy of my salvation. I want to serve You with a pure heart motivated by Your love and compassion for others.

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